Researcher of Ancient and Medieval Chinese Medicine

Born and brought up in Taiwan, I have been living in beautiful west Wales for the last 30 years. I received a PhD in 2018 from University College London. My main research explores the social and cultural aspects of bodily practices in pre-modern China. One of my passions is to promote the use of Chinese therapeutic exercises known as daoyin 導引(lit. guiding and pulling) by people today, particularly in the English-speaking world. Another ambition of mine is to translate Chinese medical and yangsheng 養生 (lit. nourishing life) self-cultivation texts into English.

Daoyin Database

This page is dedicated to some key primary sources related to Chinese therapeutic exercises known as daoyin 導引 from the Warring States (475–221 BCE) to the modern period

Selected daoyin instructions from Zhubing yuanhou lun 諸病源候論 (Treatise on the Origins and Symptoms of Medical Disorders), a 7th century Chinese medical text


From time to time, I give talks and run workshops on Chinese Therapeutic Exercises. Several workshops are taking place in 2024.

A list of my publications

A list of my translation works

A list of useful resources